Wednesday 9 March 2011

Daily Blog, Wednesday 9th March

I had my interview for MMU 3D Design today. Hoping that all went well it was a group interview so it was very different from what I was expecting and a bit daunting. However, it was nice to see other peoples work from other colleges and I thought that the tutors on the degree course seemed like nice people.

After my interview I looked at drawing in ways that made me think of an emotion. I found it quite hard but I will keep using different shapes and colours to portray different feelings.

After experimenting a bit. I found that trying to draw in way that makes me think of anger, dark or gloomy feelings also reminded me of certain botanical plants and how these are also dangerous and may be poisonous such as a cactus with its spikes or carnivorous plants....
These pictures to me represent moody, glum, uneasy feelings. 

Where as these drawings seem happy, uplifting and cheerful.

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