Sunday 27 March 2011

Daily Blog, 27th March 2011

I've been off for my interviews at Brighton and Falmouth in the past week so I have failed to update my most recent plans for for the FMP. What I have discovered recently about my work is that I like to mimic objects and then recreate them from a different perspective. In all mu previous projects I have recreated objects that have a practical use but my creations could be stand alone pieces in themselves. I would like people to be able to use my designs but I wuld hope that the my design has communicated in an alternative way to what the original object does.

My FMP is about emotions and how shape colour and space is affects the way that we feel about an object. I have been thinking and researching and I really the abstract idea od how people hide emotions away from certain people or in certain situations such as our emotions at work or college are normally hidden to an extent than they would be when you are at home. I would like to explore this with objects and see how the hidden aspects of objects such as the joints underneath a chair or the plumbing underneath the sink or the drawer runners in a cupboard could come to the surface. When these aspects of the objects come to light and are seen in this perspective, will this affect how people feel towards the object now? Will they feel the same about it? Will they still want to sit on it? Use it to store their personal possessions or does it disgust them, make them feel happy, sad, angry?

I am exploring drawer runners at the moment, I like the idea of using them as I would be able to use old drawer unners which are no longer used and then this would be fitting in with my criteria of using environmentally sustainable materials.

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