Monday 14 March 2011

Daily Blog, 14th March 2011

Back in the studio after the weekend, I spoke to Dave about how I could move on with my project. We both felt that I had pretty much completed my primary research and I was now in need of doing secondary research by going out taking pictures, photocopying etc, things which I felt could be categorised into emotions. I could make a booklet of pictures, colours shapes etc that represent these emotions and then once I have collected these items I can pick one of them and progress with it.

I looked into how I could explore metal, I chose to look a bit into foil. I thought it was an easy thing to start with, I tried scoring it, smoothing it crumpling it etc I would like to carry on with this but maybe using the line drawings in my sketch book of emotions to create the same sort of images.

After this we had a meeting on the London trip; leaving on wednesday, really looking forward to this as its such a good chance to go around the amazing variety of galleries and shops. At 4pm Indea, Carl, Jo and myself went to the throwing class in the ceramics department. I was really fun and learn't how hard it is to do.

Great end to a day...

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