Tuesday 29 March 2011

Daily Blog, Tuesday 29th March 2011

We had a peer group review today. it was great, each of us had the chance to speak about the work that we were doing and where we were up to with the project. We read our Statement Of Intent and explained how we had explored the area of our subject. When I spoke about my subject 'emotions' I was able to clarify that they way that my project had moved on was that I wanted to place importance on objects having personalities.

I explained how people have emotions that run on the surface that people see daily but their are deeper emotions that mostly the majority of people never see I explained how I wanted to do this with objects, how it would be interesting to see how bring something to the surface that is not normally seen, like runners on drawers which are usually hidden. I would like to make a feature out of these and see how I could change how drawers normally come out on the runners, could the runners be curved and how would that make the person feel sliding the drawer out like that or could the runners be like waves and the drawer bob up and down when it comes out? Also could I make a drawer that in the way it comes out it makes us angry? Rhianne noticed that one of the shapes that I had cut into my models was zigzagging across, when I had done this I knew from the research that I had done that this would be seen as angry as there are a lot of angles and if you can imagine taking a draw out in that way it would be incredibly hard and annoying and so would definitely have that effect.

After the peer group review I started working out how to make the drawer come out in a wave like motion, I thought last night that the way that I could do it is by having individual fingers joined together by something like string and then this can fit onto the draw and inside a cut out wave shape in a sheet of a certain material I may use. the individual fingers then run up and down the curves and do not get stuck, which is what would happen if there was one long wave shape inside. It need to be a fluid as possible so I am going to keep experimenting and may be see if I can add ball bearings to it so it comes out even smoother.

Also, another thing that I need to explore is the way that I can make the drawer slides in a variety of ways that effect people with different emotions. So try and make one that they may feel anger towards (triangle - zigzag), happy (curve) and calm (waves).

I will upload photos tomorrow of my models.

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