Thursday 7 April 2011

Daily Blog, 7th April 2011

Had a peer review this morning, I had a good group, we had 2 fashion, 2 graphics and three 3D. It was great to see the fashion students work as it is always great to see how they present their ideas on the sheets, it is always impeccably done. From the peer review I think that I need to do some sheets showing research and also drawings of mechanisms that I am interested in exploring that would add character to an object. Also, I need to consider colour when I am deciding on my final pieces.

 designed by Elisa Strozyk and artist Sebastian Neeb
I have been looking at mechanisms and from this morning I have been interested in the concertina effect, I think it would be an interesting way to make space saving furniture that can be pulled out. Looking specifically at the way that it would be pulled out.

Designed by Elisa Honkanen

I think using the concertina effect as a way to give character and emotion would be interesting as it using a mechanism that is intricate and is also space saving. depending on the material it is also incredibly strong. 

By Molo design company

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