Friday 29 April 2011

Daily Blog, 29th April 2011

I have been thinking of using these mechanims in everyday domestic objects and using them in a way that adds emotion/character to an object but is also practical. I came up with this idea using a cam mechanism on a table to move some perspex/glass boxes that are pushed up from the table which primarily lie flush with the surface and come out so that they can hold something and serve as a storage device as you can see in the pictures, one of them holds a vase of flowers, but also the other one holds candles which would have a great effect as the light would be coming up from inside the table.

Monday 25 April 2011

Daily Blog 25th April 2011

This is the claw mechanism, here a drawer could move out and in my winding the cogs, I think that this could be great as the way the the drawer moves out could be altered by the way that the cogs are positioned.

Daily Blog, 25th April 2011

Chebyshev Linkage...   I think this would be a really interesting way of opening a drawer the action made from the rotation on the pins while the middle pins stays straight is really interesting...

Daily Blog, 25th April 2011

Rack and Pinion Mechanism...

Daily Blog, 25th April 2011

This is a curved drawer, which was one of my original ideas and I think that it has a happy effect on people when they pull this out...

Daily Blog, 25th April 2011

Here I have used two mechanisms on the same model to show how it could be used in two situations.

The drawer behing the screen can be stored safely away behind the screen when it is not in use, however when it is needed it can be pulled over the screen and down to eye level.

However, the drawer underneath the desk swings from underneath to waist height. This may be useful for people with problems bending down for a long time. If the drawer can swung underneath a bench, worktop, bed where there is endless dead space and then be swung out and up so that it is easy to to see the things that are in it and handle the objects this would be useful for an older audience...

Daily Blog 25th April 2011

This is using a pull back mechanism that I devised myself using something like a fishing reel on the back to pull the drawer back, however I would like to alter this design in a few ways as there are other options here that I haven't explored..

Daily blog 25th April 2011

This is using 'Watts linkage' to create a mechanism for the drawer to  swing out on a straight linkage mechanism...

Daily Blog Monday 25th April 2011

Scotch Yoke mechanism to be used as an alternative way of opening a drawer...
And I have also made an altered scotch Yoke mechanism...

Daily Blog, Monday 25th April, 2011

I have been getting my head round google sketchup and I have drawn these models of mechanisms that I am interested in and could be used for drawers adding character and emotion to them.

Here is the extension model..

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Daily Blog 20th April

I am currently looking into the mechanisms that I could use to make something have a character, this mechanism is called the scotch yoke and turns a rotary motion into a linear motion....

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Daily blog 13th April 2011

I just LOVE these stop motion movies.. Somebody stop me

Daily Blog, 13th April 2011

Since last week I have been looking at different mechanisms in which a drawer could open so that the drawer becomes a character that people can associate with and interact with. This week I have looked specifically at the way tha an extension could work as they are used in things such as mirrors in bathrooms and the cross mechanism is used in so many objects that I thought that this would be an interesting mechanism to look at. So far I have made a few models and looked at how it works and created a few drawings on sketch up.

Thursday 7 April 2011

Daily Blog, 7th April 2011

Had a peer review this morning, I had a good group, we had 2 fashion, 2 graphics and three 3D. It was great to see the fashion students work as it is always great to see how they present their ideas on the sheets, it is always impeccably done. From the peer review I think that I need to do some sheets showing research and also drawings of mechanisms that I am interested in exploring that would add character to an object. Also, I need to consider colour when I am deciding on my final pieces.

 designed by Elisa Strozyk and artist Sebastian Neeb
I have been looking at mechanisms and from this morning I have been interested in the concertina effect, I think it would be an interesting way to make space saving furniture that can be pulled out. Looking specifically at the way that it would be pulled out.

Designed by Elisa Honkanen

I think using the concertina effect as a way to give character and emotion would be interesting as it using a mechanism that is intricate and is also space saving. depending on the material it is also incredibly strong. 

By Molo design company

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Daily Blog, Wednesday 6th April, 2011

I spent the whole day in the workshop, it was so busy, everybody has got the same idea before the easter break.

I started on my second model, which experimented with the curve shape instead of the wave. I changed the  mechanism here as it is a different shape than the wave, it is easier to do as the shape is not complicated, also I started to use spools for the sewing machine as I had learn't from the wave model that it might be better for the rolling item on the tracks to have a hole through the middle so something could be threaded through and they would not fall out when the drawer comes out.

When I was making the model, I was able to get my hands on some bearings, which in the end worked better than the spools because I used a piece of wooden doweling that fit perfectly into the inner circle of the ball bearing that when rolled if this was held tight then the outer ring would roll.

Here are some pictures....

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Daily Blog, Tuesday 5th April 2011

After finishing ny first model of the wave motion, I need to think about what I want to get from this project.  I realised that I could go down a few different paths at this point, but I want to make sure that I am getting the most out of this project and also for longevity, I want to get the most out of it to give me a better understanding and a different perspective on design. I have made lists on advantages and disadvantages of picking between the paths as I feel that by concentrating on just my wave motion and no other mechanism would be a mistake and could limit the potential I have with the rest my ideas for mechanisms and giving objects character. I would like to explore more different ways that the mechanisms could work on different shapes as one will not fit all. I think it will be interesting to explore how else other mechanisms can work on different shapes and therefore what objects this will lead to. I am now going to concentrate on making the best mechanisms for different shapes that interest me and what I think will give character to an object.

Also, I have researched on furniture fitting websites like Hafele and Ikea, and I have found some interesting ideas that I would like to explore... Could I use these mechanisms for other objects that move such as windows, doors, openings etc.

I think where I am finding it hard is knowing how to extend the drawer out of the unit. On straight runners it can be done quite easily but when it is curved or a wave shape it is harder to find a way. But I have been thinking of looking at laying material at the bottom as this material can be manipulated easily by shapes.

Monday 4 April 2011

Daily Blog, Monday 4th April, 2011

I have made a model from plywood. I really enjoyed making it and felt like I had to because of the technical issues of how smoothly the planks would move and if the marbles would work properly.

Here are a few pics..

I then made a stop motion film of the wave in motion...